In this tutorial we will be discussing the different levels to patching a binary. This tutorial is a little on the long and detailed side, but we will be covering a lot of ground, some of which is not that easy. I wanted to give you an example of deep analysis on a binary, and what it entails. You may not understand a great deal of it, but it will give you a good overall view of reverse engineering. This way, in future tutorials, you will have a frame of reference. We will be studying the same crackme as last tutorial, Crackme6 by “TDC”, included in the download.
You can download the files and PDF version of this tutorial on the tutorials page.
Overall, it’s not a tough crackme as we saw in the last tut, but we will be doing some advanced analysis on it, preparing for future tutorials. So sit back, grab a coffee/cigarette/candy bar/hypodermic needle, whatever gets you going, and let’s get started…
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