This is static copy of The Legend of Random as it was on Thu, 19 Sep 2013. Some of the links are not functional. View the source code on GitHub.


My Absence

I apologize to everyone on the site for my somewhat spotty attendance in the past week.I have been going thru a little bit of a family crisis and have not had time to update a great deal. I WILL BE updating shortly, as soon as I get this situation under control. Thanks for understanding.


In the mean time, I leave you with this. Apparently, they do not think very highly of the Ciber-crime management…

Nice Beginning Article on Reversing Android

David Teitelbaum has released a very nice, all encompassing intro to reversing Android. It is very easy to follow as he completely reverses a simple “Hello World” application. Check it out.

She Is 17-years-old, She Did It Publicly In High School And While Drunk

This title has nothing to do with anything except it was used to drop a trojan into millions of unsuspecting users. I figured if this title is sexy enough to make that many people click on it (and then fill out a questionnaire WITH THEIR CELL PHONE NUMBER ON IT) then I would test it out for click-ability here. From now on, anything that I don’t think very many people will click on, I am putting this in the title. I mean, this post is about almost nothing and yet you’re still reading, so I guess it works :)


Of course, this is a lot of typing for a title, so I will shorten it to SDIPIHSAWD, which I think actually has a nice ring to it.

And The Most Posts Submitted In A Single Sitting Goes To…

I’m sure scientists 30 years from now will still be going through NickyBlue’s posts on the forum (all 700 pages of them). Even though I appreciate his spunk, I would appreciate it more if he would send me whatever medication he’s on. If I had that much energy, I would have finally been able to get through Gravity’s Rainbow!

New .NET Crackme and Tutorial by Xor06

Xor06 has released a new crackme and tutorial based on Visual Basic .NET. Download it on the tutorials page. Kepp up the good work, Xor06.

We’re Official Now…

Nonobit has informed me that ESET Smart Security now blocks TheLegendOfRandom as a malicious web site. I wear this as a badge of honor.

WOW Players Killed! Threaten to Leave Mom’s Basement.

Many World of Warcraft players were surprised that, due to an exploit on the site, several cities were decimated , killing all people who lived in them. In other news, the jobless rate has plummeted because of former out of work 20-somethings who were spending all of their time on online games have no option but to get a job…

New Debugger For Amd 64-bit Apps

Feryno over at the site has released a debugger for AMD 64-bit apps. Looks very promising, and it goes to show what can be accomplished in assembly language (this debugger uses FASM.) As you can see, there is a tremendous amount of data displayed in the debugger:

There is also a version for Linux.

An Amazing Vulnerability Discovery Regarding Rar Files

Tavis Ormandy has come out with an amazing article on exploiting .rar files. Apparently, there is a virtual machine that runs with rar files (used for filtering) but can be programmed manually. Tavis shows how a hello world can be executed automatically when opening a .rar file. I am sure we will hear more about this exploit in the future. In the meantime, read the article . It’s fascinating…

The Real Workers Behind T.L.O.R.

I just wanted to take a minute and give a shout out to the moderators of this site. Without them, this site would not be anywhere near as great a site as it is. Besides the constant bombardment of spam they must deal with (the benefits of a site growing in popularity) they also answer questions with lightning speed and help contribute a great deal behind the scenes.

So cheers to Nwokiller and Xor06 (Rip06), and thanks for all the hard work!

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