Bruteforcing is a way to extract a serial (or password or whatever…) from a binary when you know the input and output of a encryption/decryption routine, but perhaps do not know how, nor wish to spend the time patching the software. It is the difference between cracked software coming with a patcher (or a copy of the patched executable) and coming with a username/serial that works. If you’ve ever downloaded cracked software and the person who cracked it includes a username/serial to crack it, they have probably used bruteforcing.
The way it works is, knowing the input and output of the encryption/decryption routine, you try every possibility that turns the input into the output until one matches. For example, if I enter a serial of ’12121212′ and the app sends this into the decryption routine, and after the routine the app compares this with “j6^^gD7-L”, we have the input as my serial and the output as that strange string. What we want to find out is how the ’12121212′ was turned into ‘j6^^gD7-L’, and how we can enter our a serial that matches what the program expected as output, in other words what serial to put in so the app successfully registers us.
Keep in mind that this only works on binaries that user a username/serial in order to check the legitimacy of registration. If the app queries a database online, this won’t work.
All that being said, bruteforcing is not terribly difficult. One requirement is that you know at least one programming language that you can make a bruteforcing program in. In this tutorial I will be discussing mostly C, as that’s high-level enough for most to see what’s going on (far more than assembly, at least).
Another requirement is understanding how the username or serial (or both) is converted into the output. The reason for this is that it cuts down on the amount of operation we must try. If I say we must turn the password “SECRET” into the output “MESSAGE”, there are an infinite amount of ways. But if I say that the only operations we can user are XORing the username with a certain value, well, that limits it a great deal.
Now we can begin talking specifically about our crackme. As always, you can download the relevant files on the tutorials page. In this tutorial we will be dealing with the same crackme we previously used, as well as our bruteforcing program.
(continue reading…)